Your Tax Dollars at Work

The latest target of BIGS Legal

The latest target of BIGS Legal

I recently decided that I didn’t really want to say any more about the Rocky Mountain Bahá’ís, that is, the O’Bahá’ís (Orthodox Bahá’ís) of New Mexico and the BUPCees (Bahá’ís Under the Provisions of the Covenant) of Montana. It’s obvious that they’re irrelevant and seeing as I have taken the position that the Guardianship was a bad idea to begin with, I don’t really see the point of promoting their desperate causes.

Guardianship? For those not in the know, a Guardian is a sort of Bahá’í Imam or Ayatollah.

Anyhow, The BUPCees are just too kooky and fragmented, and the O’Bahá’ís—they’re just boring. What have they done for me lately?

But then I was reminded that these two pathetic minorities have recently been getting bullied in court by the dominant Bahá’í organization, henceforth referred to as the BIGS™ Corporation, or BIGS™ Inc.

Word on the street has it that the BIGS™ (Bahá’ís In Good Standing) have been diverting construction funds into litigation against those minuscule mountain communities, so I couldn’t help but take notice. And what are they suing the O’Bahá’ís and BUPCees for? Exclusive rights to Bahá’í terms such as “Bahá’í,” “UHJ,” and “The Greatest Name.”

“The Greatest Name”—now who wouldn’t want to corner that?

“The mainstream Baha’is have responded with a lawsuit that tries to bar the orthodox from calling themselves Baha’i and sharing the “The Greatest Name,” a sacred and trademarked symbol. Baha’is believe they are not only safeguarding their identity. They are defending the truth with a capital T.

“The Orthodox say that is not a matter for the courts to decide.”

—Chicago Tribune, May 18, 2009

At present, BIGS™ Inc is losing. They lost to the BUPCees in 2005 and then lost to the O’Bahá’ís in 2008. The latter case is being appealed. Stay tuned. The Chicago Tribune is on the case.

“… the Court finds that the alleged contemnors are not in contempt …”


How minority Bahá'í attorneys of the future will get to court.

I wonder how well paid the BIGS™ Inc legal team is. I wonder whether the BIGS™ Inc lawyers are themselves BIGS™ members. Then again, who cares?—I just hope they’re well paid. But I digress.

As for the mountaineers, can they even afford attorneys? I’m surprised that they can even afford airline tickets to Chicago. Then again, maybe they left the driving to Greyhound. Speaking of Greyhound, check this ride—but I digress further.

5 comments on “Your Tax Dollars at Work

  1. Thanks a bunch for informing about the court action against the minority Baha’is.

    I think many heterodox Baha’is would be surprised at how their contribution money is going to fund huge legal fees against the Orthodox Baha’is and the Baha’is Under the Provisions of the Covenant instead of some constructive purpose.

  2. David Maxwell says:

    Thank you for your comments regarding the ongoing Court Case, BIGS vs Orthodox Baha’is and the BUPC.

    I raised a questioning eyebrow to your comment that you found the idea of the Institution of the Guardianship to be a bad idea from the outset. One has to wonder what your understanding is of the Bahai’ Faith and why you could even consider that the Guardianship is so unimportant.

    I would remind all who read this that when Baha’u’llah passed to the next world, He designated that His son ‘Abdu’l-Baha was to be His successor; and the only Baha’i who could interpret Holy Text. ‘Abdu’l-Baha carried that concept much further in His Will and Testament when He cemented an assurance to the believers that there would always be a living spokesman on earth whose lineage connected with Baha’u’llah’s spiritual legacy in order to fulfill the very necessary qualities of being the only one who could, with Baha’u’llah’s blessing, interpret Holy Text, in order to ensure that this is the Day that will not be followed by night?

    David Maxwell

  3. igneous1 says:

    David, I respect your argument vis-a-vis the Guardianship as a constitutionally valid one. I simply disagree with the whole notion that there ought to forever be a living spokesman for God on earth. I understand that this puts me at odds with the fundamental premise of the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh, but I still think the Guardianship was a bad idea from the outset. I don’t believe in infallibility or divine authority. I prefer things like reason, empathy, and conscience—but that’s just me. As Bahá’u’lláh himself admitted, a man of conscience has no need for a divine Master.


  4. Susan says:

    Dan, thanks for reminding us about the healing qualities of humor. We take ourselves way to seriously. Abdu’l-Bahá says: “Even as the clouds let us shed down tears, and as the lightning flashes let us laugh at our coursing through east and west.”

    It is a serious topic but humor helps us remember our humanity.

  5. igneous1 says:

    A well-placed quotation, Susan! And yes, it is a serious topic, and I apologize for any discomfort my kidding may have caused.

    “a laugh’s the wisest, easiest answer to all that’s queer.” –Mr. Stubb (Moby-Dick)

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